It is really funny the way life teaches you its lessons. It is so ironical that once “impossible situations” now seem like nothing-nothing that required so much of worrying. We have faced situations when we thought this was it, it was the end.
But the fact that you are reading this blog right now, with a smile on your face, reminiscing of those times can’t be a better proof of what I am saying here.
If you don’t believe me, check your heart, its still beating. Better still, look yourself in the mirror- yeah! That’s the smile I am talking about.
Today, life taught me an interesting lesson-something that I been studying about for the last six years, but never realized it.
Being a student of digital electronics, I would explain it in the technical jargon.
The world of digital electronics lies only on this basic concept- Logic 1 & Logic 0.
The most universal explanation of it would be a switch. It can either be ON (Logic 1).
Or it can be OFF (Logic 0). No two ways about it. No middle path exists there.
So, you can either be happy or sad. You can either be sane or mad! (Hey, it rhymes!).
You can be alive or dead. The choice is YOURS. It is what you decide to choose.
Today, I realized that when facing life or rather living life, it is I who decide whether to be happy or not. Whatever circumstances life may show or to wherever it may lead me, the decision to be happy or cringe about it is entirely mine. And know what, I even realized today that it is easier to smile through it. For I was cribbing over something that I have no control over. This thought immediately made me realize my foolishness, and pop came the grin – out of nowhere!
Like they say: “The world is your sky,
Just spread your wings and fly”.